Modern Startup

The Architecture of a Modern Startup

The Tech side of startups can sometimes be very fluid and contain a lot of unknowns. What tech stack to use? Which components might be overkill for now but worth keeping an eye on in the future? How to balance the pace of business features development while keeping the quality bar high enough to have a maintainable codebase?

Here I want to share our experience building from the ground up — how we shaped our processes based on needs and how our processes evolved as we extended our tech stack with new components.

Businesses want to conquer the market and engineers — try cool stuff and stretch their brains. Meanwhile, the industry produces new languages, frameworks, and libraries in such quantities that you will not be able to check them all. And, usually, if you scratch the shiny surface of the Next Big Thing, you will find a good old concept. Good, if you are lucky.

One of the most exciting topics to argue about is the processes — whether you rely on trunk-based development, prefer a more monstrous GitHub flow, are a fan of mobbing, or find it more efficient to spend time in PR-based code reviews.

I have experience working in an environment where artifacts were thrown away on users without any standardized process. In case of issues, developers had a lot of fun (nope!) trying to figure out what version of components was actually deployed.

On another spectrum is the never-ending queue to CI. After you create PR you have to entertain yourself in the nearest 30 minutes by betting whether the CI cluster will find a resource to run tests over your changes. Sometimes the platform team introduces new, exciting, and useful features that might break compatibility with existing boilerplate for CI. These may result in failing all your checks at the last minute, after an hour of waiting.

I strongly believe that, as usual, it all depends on team maturity, the kind of software you are building, and various business constraints, for example, the existence of error’s budget and the importance of time-to-market versus SLXs.

I think what is important is to have some agreed processes in place that everyone is aware of and follows. It’s also important to have the bravery to challenge and change it if there is evidence of a better alternative.

Start Shaping the Process

What we have at the start:

  • less than a dozen developers — in-house team and temporary contractors who want to and can work asynchronously
  • completely greenfield project — no single line of code has been written yet. Requirements are vague, but they already started shaping into something
  • tech-wise — the clear need for a backend that should talk with mobile clients
  • some simple web frontend — static pages should be enough! (nope)

We have started simple — code at GitHub and a PR-based flow with a single requirement — to have tickets splittable to be delivered in 1–3 days. This required some practice of story slicing, and it seems that a sense of visible fast progress is shown through the ability to move tickets to Done. This can be a great motivational factor for the team to onboard that idea.

Linters and static analyzers to skip exciting discussions, such as how many arguments per method are too much (6!). We’ll gradually add auto-tests. We also try codesense. They have a very promising approach to highlighting important parts of code (those bits that changed frequently and should definitely have a higher maintainability bar!) and identifying complexity by looking at the level of nestness in the code. It is probably a bit expensive for startups initially, but 100% provides decent hints for engineers.

On the architecture side of things, there was a temptation to dive deep into the wonderland of microservices. But looking at horrifying diagrams of connections between them from big players, the need to trace requests between them, it really seems a suicidal approach for teams in the early stage that want to move fast.


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